Comics from the world of Glorp Gum.

Stoney Baloney in: High Time For A Job!
Torn from the pages of an old underground comic called “Twin Cities Freakout” comes everyone’s favorite lovable “hippy” STONEY BALONEY!
Comics from the world of Glorp Gum.
Torn from the pages of an old underground comic called “Twin Cities Freakout” comes everyone’s favorite lovable “hippy” STONEY BALONEY!
Hey Glorpophiles! Check out This WWII era story ripped from the pages of the long out of print comic book 3D Sci-Fi NIghtmare Goes To War! What a nutzo story, huh kiddies? This isn’t a […]
GLORP Underground Comic from the ’70s Torn from the pages of an old underground GLORP comic called “Twin Cities Freakout” comes this satirical critique of the GLORP Gum company’s relentless advertising during the early 1970’s. […]
Have you read Battle zoo? It hasn’t been updated in LOOOONG time, but hey! That 2nd issue might finally see the light of day soon if enough people check it out…
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