ROBERT COP 2 shirts have arrived!

They look so good Cate had to pinch Bailey’s ear just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming! I have a few of each size available over at the shop if you want to get one and be cool as fucking shit. Man, these shirts came out great. I was a little bit nervous about the faked aging, but it looks spot on, if I do say so myself. The slightly off register colors worked perfectly! The shirt looks ‘cheap’ in just the right way. They look even better after you wash ’em!

And man, oh, man, I’ll bet you wish you ordered one early and got the FREE SURPRISE! Originally I only offered this AMAZING FREEBIE to the first 25 folks who pre-ordered the shirt, but I got such a great response I decided to extend it to 56 of you lucky suckers. Of course, making 56 tiny ROBERT COP 2 action figures is a lot more work than making 25, but I figured that it was totally worth it to show you guys my gratitude for helping me make these shirts happen. You rule! Want to know how I made 56 tiny Robert cops? No? WELL, TOUGH SHIT!
All in all, it took me about 3 days to make these guys. The first 6 people to order got the larger “Deluxe” version of ROBERT COP 2, while the rest of you fine folks got the smaller version. At one point all 50 of the tiny guys heads completely melted in the oven after their face sculpting session. This brought on a mild panic attack, but In the end I think the hand sculpted heads look WAY funnier than the original action figure heads. Anyway, enough with this boring trivia! Go buy a damn ROBERT COP 2 shirt already! While you won’t get a tiny ROBERT COP 2, you will get these fantastic things:

And be sure to sign up for the email party so you can get in on the these cool freebies when the next shirt drops! -B