March is here and the temperatures are going up and the fashions are also going up too, but sometimes not so much, and it really just depends I guess. Get ready weather, ’cause this is CHEW’S GOT THE LOOK?!

What is this NBC’s long running Television TV show, E.R.?! More like “ER, maybe not wear that, today please”. If this is what people look like when you go to the hospital, just let me die. Seriously, let me bleed out all over the floor of a national fast food chain. Just leave me on the side of the street in a pile of my own micro strokes clutching a Subway 5-dollar-foot-long. I’ll just have my baby in a filthy booth at a Wendy’s, if it means not having to look at 100% pure anti-fashion.

Hoo boy. Somebody call Bob Dylan’s Blonde on Blonde, because this lady is not that at all. Redheads should not wear Red! Period. Ever. Period AGAIN. I mean, let’s not be too harsh about those rules, PERIOD. There could be an occasion where let’s say COMMA you just have too. Then it is okay, but what is NEVER okay is a Wendy’s visor with a Wendy’s apron. If your going for this type of look, I’d suggest pairing a Wendy’s visor with maybe a Burger king smock or perhaps a Taco bell neckerchief, I mean you’re probably standing in a Wendy’s holding some assholes’ newborn baby, let’s not drive it into the ground.

A white coat after labor day? CHECK! Baby dressed like a Softball playing prostitute? CHECK! NOT THE LOOK? DOUBLE CHECK!

Now here’s a couple who knows what is up. She’s wearing orange, and the other person is covered on the top part with blue. They both are holding gold things, so that’s good. Kinda Matchy, but gold goes with everything (but Blue and Orange), plus they won something (HEAR THAT WENDYS?!) and it looks like everyone else at the wedding is wearing the same ugly outfit, so they really stand out. And standing out is a name of a game my grandpa taught me! A++ look you two! CHEW HAVE A LOOKS!
Do you think you have what it takes for a look? Send your photos to dumb ol’ glorpgum@gmail.com and we will tell you if you has a look or not.
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