World Wide Weirdos Weekly! 02.11.19
Heya folks! it’s me, your good pal, Bradwick McGinty!
I’m here to round up all the buncha neato crap I like for the week. Sure this is the kinda stuff you’d see on Instagram or whatever, but that place is for self absorbed psychopaths, This place is for you. Speaking of that, if you got something worth mentioning here, send it our way via the contact form or glorpgum@gmail.com we’ll do our best to give good stuff a shout out!
It’s March! Love (and possibly something else is ) is in the air!

Check out this amazing Big Loo I saw at Dream Haven books (in Minneapolis MN) last week. The big loo itself looks great, but look at that beautiful box! It’s HUGE! I’ve seen this a dozen times at least, and I swear every time it is creeping a little more off the shelf than the last. This is the kinda stuff that keeps me up at night.

Man, that Charles Schulz was one class act. Sure, he was banging his 25 year old co worker around this time, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a cool dude.

Saw some bootleg coloring book from Mexico on Ebay and I just loved this totally wasted looking Count Duckula. Who is that in the foreground? Maybe Scrooge McSlylock fox? I dunno, man.

Look at Ol’ Bootleg Ben Grimm’s face! I love it. I think this guy is still on ebay if you want ’em!

The most reasonable shipping of any item I’ve seen on ebay!
I’m always looking for odd movies to toss on while I’m working. It can’t be too good, or I won’t get anything done, but it’s gotta be kinda interesting. YouTube used to be great for this, but they got rid of all the best bootleg 80’s VHS upload channels, so it’s harder to come by decent movies on there. This one was nothing amaze balls, but it sure is pretty. Good monsters too!
Typing this made me think about R.O.T.O.R (or Texas Robocop if you will). I used to chase this thing all around youtube back in the day. It’s up for now now if you wanna Watch it
A solid jam!

Falcon Arrow just put out a new album and I dig it. Go check it out at their band camp page.
Anyway, that’s some stuff! I didn’t spell check it or nuthin’! I don’t know who’s up next week, but these World Wide Weirdos Weekly will keep going and only get better!