Planet earth is beside itself with exuberance and joyfulness about the newest hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s no secret why Ash Wednesday was the release date for a movie laden with heavy messages about repentance, betrayal and self-control. We just screened the movie 7 times in a row here at the ole-warehouse and team GLORP found a few “Easter eggs” to look out for when you go see Captain Marvel, in theaters now. Needless to say, SPOILER ALERT – She Has Risen!!

The windows to the soul are a constant theme in the movie with several scenes revolving around eyes, eye colors and eye loss. “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light” – Matthew 6:22. This verse is never more true and we all remember what color Judas’ eyes were. Am I right?

Bree Larson’s Character, Ms Shazam, can be seen giving what appears to be a “devil sign” in the last few moments of the fighter jet sequence, but If you look closely between her thumb and pinky finger, you can make out a tiny (Bruce?!) banner with the name of Jesus written on it. A subtle hint at what is to come.

Jesus may have been her co-pilot but that doesn’t stop the inevitable. This terrible scene where she dies in an airplane explosion is a miraculous representation of Corinthians 3:13: “Their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.”

In the interrogation scene above, look closely and you can see blue Easter grass being withdrawn from her ear canals. She is also thinking about those little chalky egg candies.

Nick Fury eating cats in the movie is a direct call back to Jesus’ ability to feed the masses with just one fish and 2 bottles of Dasani ultra-clear lemon flavored water.

If you have your Bible ears on you might pick up the lyrics to the musical number. They are taken directly from that old Sunday school favorite scripture verse, Psalm 146.

In an outlandish twist of plot, Captain Marvel uses her electric resurrection powers to return beloved character Yondu from the grave. Yes, it happens years before he was killed and put into it. Mind blowing next level stuff from the house of ideas.

In this scene you’ll notice Captain Marvel gets drunk at the last supper just like Jesus did before his battle with the Romans (Skrulls).

The savior himself is briefly spotted near the end of the film. If you look closely enough, in the scene just before John Malcovitch’s character Uatu is revealed to be “the Watcher” you can make out the silhouette of Jesus, just kinda chillin’ on the cross off to the right hand side.

Yes something incredible, amazing, fantastic, and uncanny happened on Easter morning 2,000 years ago. But, with the power house of brains at Marvel it really is astonishing that such a blatant swipe of previously published source material got past everyone involved. This scene was directly lifted from the Biblical story of resurrection and the stone being moved from the grave-cave. Although it was marvelously done it comes off a little heavy handed.

I can see now why 57% of the movie reviews were bad for Ms. Marvel. Because those critics are all well known to be atheist and wouldn’t like any of these messages. If all movie reviews were done by god fearing folk then we’d be in better shape as a country right now. I hope Marvel sent a copy of this movie for President Trump to watch. Maybe it will help him get back to his religious roots and stop objectifying women.