Well hello there Mr. & Mrs. Internet. We are tickled fandango pink to be your news & entertainment choice here on the big-ole world wide web. Sure it’s a busy place full of many four legged distractions and information about hacking your life, we get it. But we felt something has been missing. A void between all the instatweetosting, spamming, and fortmining. We are here to plug a wad of sticky goodness in that gap. Filling it full of ground level reporting from the world’s only company that sells gum with a free shirt.
Sure we’ve got our hands full folding tees, shipping stickers and rebuilding sewer drains. And yes we like making tangible gum-related things you can give us cash for. But, we feel a real calling to do more. And we’re no longer pushing that call to voicemail. Nope, we are answering that call with a mighty “Hello!” And that hello is a website full of stuff that will hopefully bring joy to the parts of you that need it the most.

So keep your browsers locked on to GLORP Mag: Your Spot for Things!
Make sure to comment on articles, share them with friends and send us suggestions or letters about anything you think we’d like to hear about. Why just the other day we heard of this crazy fad of people destroying mailboxes. Isn’t that weird? Has that happened to you? Don’t worry, we plan on getting to the bottom of it. But until then you’ve got some GLORP Mag to catch up on.
Your pal,
Jolly Jimmy Gimball